Supply Chain Assessment Improvement
Supply Chain Assessment Improvement Krysalisco
Supplier Engagement Studies (for large OEMs especially in Auto or auto ancillary industry)
Large manufacturing businesses especially automobile manufacturing, equipment/machinery manufacturing, power projects etc. would have 70% of its product value contributed by the suppliers. Therefore, any inefficiency or weakness in the supply chain would result in a severe impact on costs (increased inventory, premium freight), quality (rejections, wrong parts) and delivery (unable to meet market requirements). Today, it is a necessity for OEMs to develop and sustain deep relationships with their their suppliers.
Krysalis has , over the last decade, created and perfected the methodology and expertise for carrying out supplier engagement studies. The insights provided by these studies, has helped the customer to understand strengths and weaknesses in the supply chain, work on them and thereby turn this into unbeatable competitive advantage .
Distribution channel effectiveness
A distribution channel can make or break a company’s future. We have seen great products that were successful abroad vanish in the Indian market place and vice versa. Indian distribution channels have their own characteristics; there are certain products where multiple forms and formats of distribution co-exist with no territory defined, while there are cases where classic distribution strategies work to to perfection. In India, region specific strategies, that sometimes depart from textbook solutions need to be adopted. Krysalis provides the research to develop these insights.
Krysalis has methodologies for assessing channel effectiveness and/or evaluating the best suited distribution channel that is right for your product.