Manufacturing Capability Improvement
Manufacturing Capability Improvement – Krysalisco
Indian SMEs contribute to 45% of India’s manufacturing output. So “Make in India” means “Make in SMEs (and assemble it in MNCs)”. Improving their competitiveness (Quality, cost and delivery capability) can happen only through a change in the culture – by changing the way such SMEs work and run their businesses.
Krysalis has over the past 10 years , started a practice of SME business improvement using the frame work of LEAN manufacturing. We are Govt. accredited LEAN manufacturing consultants. Krysalis has worked with over 170 SMEs to improve their manufacturing competitiveness using the methodology of LEAN.
Read more for detailed methodology and benefits realized
Project Objective
To achieve significant improvement in cost, quality and productivity through lean techniques.
Guiding Principles

Tools & techniques to be used